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Uniform and Equipment

Wearing a uniform can play a key role in:

  • promoting the ethos of a school
  • providing a sense of belonging and identity
  • setting an appropriate tone for education

By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform can act as a social leveller. It can reduce bullying and peer pressure to wear the latest fashions or other expensive clothes.

We expect all students (Y9-11) to wear the complete uniform in the appropriate way at all times and ask for full parental co-operation in ensuring children are suitably dressed for school.

Term Time Wear, Natasha's, Bridge Schoolwear and Top Class Schoolwear in Huddersfield are the suppliers of all our school uniform and PE kit. Copies purchased from any other supplier will not be allowed in School and will have to be replaced with the appropriate item(s) from Term Time Wear, Natasha’s, Top Class Schoolwear and Bridge Schoolwear. Our uniform is as follows:


  • The official school blazer, year group tie and white shirt (blouses and shirts that cannot be tucked in are not allowed).
  • The tie must be clipped to the top button (fastened) and shirts must be tucked in at all times.
  • The Official navy-blue jumper with logo (optional)
  • Plain, black tailored trousers or official school plain black knee-length skirt - the standard design only available from our official suppliers (NB no other skirts are allowed). Trousers must be plain, black, tailored (not skinny), and made of material similar to that of a school skirt. Jeans, cords, leggings or tracksuit bottoms are not allowed: nor are combat-style trousers with large outside pockets.
  • Black, sensible and safe shoes with no logos and plain dark socks. No trainers, boots or leisure style shoes. Plain black shoes with no logos and plain dark socks. They must not be backless, open-toed, platform, stiletto or high heeled. No trainers, boots or leisure style shoes.
  • Plain black belt. No coloured, patterned or studded belts can be worn.



  • Hair must be a natural colour. Therefore, coloured hair e.g., red, purple, blue etc is not allowed. No extremes of style or length are permitted. Students must not have hairstyles of significant differing lengths for example, Mohican. If shaved the hair must be no shorter than ‘number 2’. Long hair must be worn off the face and tied back in practical lessons for health and safety reasons.
  • No patterns must be shaved or cut into hair or eyebrows.
  • Beards, moustaches or long sideburns etc are not allowed.


  • Compulsory:
    • Navy blue shorts with logo
    • Navy blue football shirt OR navy-blue polo shirt with logo
    • Navy blue football socks plain or plain navy-blue trainer socks
    • Indoor sports trainers
    • Football boots  
    • Navy blue shorts or navy skirt (skirt with sewn in shorts) with logo
      • OR
    • Black tracksuit bottoms or lycra leggings (skins) with logo


  • Optional:
    • Black tracksuit bottoms with logo
    • Navy blue rain top with logo
    • Navy blue reversible rugby shirt with logo
    • Navy blue training top with logo

 Students must bring PE kit to every lesson. If you are injured or ill and cannot take part in physical activity the parent/carer should email with an explanation.  Students may be given a role by the teacher such as a leader, coach, umpire, scorer, equipment organiser, results taker, therefore you must bring your kit to every lesson.

Dance Kit (GCSE Dance Students only)

Plain black dance trousers

Plain black dance t-shirt or black leotard

Outdoor Clothing

Students will participate in outdoor activities in all weather conditions at Shelley and therefore should be prepared for these conditions, especially during the winter months.

We advise students to wear warm clothing for outdoor PE lessons, i.e., thermal/base layers are ideal, but must be either plain black or navy blue in colour and must be worn under their PE kit. At the discretion of the PE teacher, woolly hats may be worn but they must be of the simple and plain ‘beanie’ type (black or navy blue in colour). Gloves may also be worn outdoors, however they should have some form of grip on the palm if used for netball.

If students represent the school for a sports team or a PE trip, they must wear Shelley college PE kit. Therefore, during the winter months, they may require the official navy Tracksuit Bottoms and the Shelley College Training Top.

Please note: We reserve the right to instruct students not to wear any clothing we consider to be inappropriate, for example, coloured, studded or patterned fashion belts or particularly low-cut trousers, pencil skirts and trainers. Where possible the Pastoral team will offer some uniform to rectify the situation. Should students refuse to accept this offer then they will be removed from their lessons and will need to complete their work in isolation.

Where individual students are concerned the school uniform and appearance code may be discussed with the Student Manager for issues related to religious observance.

Make Up

No makeup, nail varnish or false nails to be worn in school.

If any student is not in full school uniform or meeting the expectations of appearance, they will have to rectify the situation before they are given permission to go into lessons. This may include removal of make-up, changing into clean second-hand uniform or for repetitive breaches sanctions will be imposed.


For reasons concerning health and safety, we prefer students not to wear any jewellery to school. However, the following items are acceptable in the school dress code:

  • One small gold or silver stud which must be 0.5cm diameter or smaller may only be worn in each ear lobe. Hoop earrings are not allowed.
  • A watch

Any student who is wearing any other item of clothing or jewellery will be asked to remove it and hand it to the member of staff. It will then be returned in accordance with the school policy.

School Bags

All students must bring a bag to school that is specifically designed to carry and keep in good condition the appropriate equipment. Including books, folders, PE kit, pencil cases, planners etc.

Hand-bags are not appropriate. They are not big enough or designed to carry such equipment and therefore books and work get damaged as they are folded or rolled up to fit in the bag.

Any hand-bag brought to school must be brought as well as one to carry books/equipment etc. and must be placed in the students’ locker before registration and not taken to lessons, or carried around school.

Where individual students are concerned the school uniform and appearance may be discussed with the Student Manager for issues related to religious observance.


Tattoos are illegal for children under the age of 18.  It stands to reason, therefore, that students are not allowed them school. This includes temporary tattoos.

Equipment for Learning

To learn effectively students will need some essential items of equipment.

Essential Equipment
Student planner, pencil case, pencil, rubber, pen (blue or black), pencil sharpener, ruler, green pen, scientific calculator, protractor, pair of compasses, and white board pen

Extremely useful additional equipment
A set of coloured pencil crayons (not felt tips), a rough note pad, calculator, glue stick, and highlighters.

Wherever possible please ensure that all belongings have suitable identifying marks or are named.  Students will have to complete a 15-minute same day detention if they do not bring the correct equipment to school.

Cost Considerations

Shelley College does appreciate that school uniform can come at a cost and attempts have been made to keep them low. If you have any concerns regarding this issue then please contact your child’s Student Manager.

The uniform exchange program can play a vital role in helping families who are worrying about the costs of uniform. You can find out more information regarding this at:

Donated uniform is always welcome. Main Reception will have a box for any donations. Thank you

Alternatively, you can apply for a free uniform by filling out the form below and following the instructions.