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SEND and Student Support

Welcome to the SEND & Student Support Centre Team:

Mrs Jodie Brown - SENDCo

After qualifying as an English teacher in 2013, I very quickly realised that SEND was my passion and that supporting students with additional needs, and helping them progress, was the most rewarding aspect of teaching for me personally. I joined Shelley College in 2018 and was immediately struck by the level of care that the college has for all its students and staff members; everyone is highly valued and is supported to achieve their best.

I have always had a keen interest in Psychology and as my teaching career progressed, I became very interested in Educational Psychology in particular. I decided to do a Masters degree in Psychology and wrote my thesis on classroom engagement in students who struggle to engage in learning, which was incredibly rewarding and gave me a real insight into students’ varied experiences of the classroom. My MSc studies led me to teaching A-Level Psychology to our sixth-form students, which I absolutely love.

I was incredibly excited to commence my role as the school SENDCo in April 2024, as I knew that I could make a real difference. I really enjoy working closely with our students and their families and supporting them in overcoming barriers to learning. Our Student Support Centre is a wonderful place with a fantastic team of HLTAs and TAs, who care deeply about our students and support them unfailingly. I am very proud to be part of the team and look forward to supporting Shelley students for many years to come.


Mrs Jen Stell - Student Support Manager 

I have been a Student Support Manager at Shelley College since September this year, previous to this I was a Teaching Assistant both at Shelley College and Salendine Nook High School. My main subject knowledge is within maths, chemistry, English, physics and music, but like all TA’s we have a very good knowledge of all subjects. For me, the act of aiding teaching within the SSC and one to one in a lesson is as exciting and important as the subject, as this is precisely why I’ve decided to share my knowledge gained.

Before working at a school, I was a Chemist and Quality Control Manager within several industries, with qualifications, BSc (Hons) Applied Chemistry. I have also been a private teacher of music, both practical lessons in wind instruments, drums and piano as well as music theory.

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 (2015) states that:

 All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they:

  • Achieve their best
  • Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.
  • Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further of higher education or training.

The provision for students with SEN at Shelley is one of our strengths and we have three clear principles to support any student who attends Shelley with additional needs:

  • We will support you to make as much progress as anyone else in the school regardless of the special need you have.
  • We will always support you in removing the barriers to learning you may experience because of your additional needs.
  • We will ensure that you are treated with dignity and respect.

Shelley College recognises the achievements and abilities of all of our students. We value the contributions that every child can make to the educational and cultural life of our school. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our students whatever their needs or abilities. All staff will actively seek to raise achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for all. All students with SEN are valued, respected and equal members of our school community.

We believe that creating the right conditions and encouraging students to maximise their potential is a matter for the whole school and is the responsibility of all staff. Our educational pedagogy is firmly rooted in the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 (update 2015) and as such this policy complies with the statutory requirements in the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 (update 2015) and should be read in conjunction with the following guidance, information and policies:

  • The Equality and Diversity Policy
  • The Accessibility Plan
  • Pupils with Medical Needs and Disabilities Policy
  • The SEN Report
  • The Safeguarding Policy

In accordance with the overarching principle of the new Code of Practice, this policy has been produced in consultation with:

  • SENCO’s
  • Senior Leadership Team
  • Governing Body
  • Families
  • Students

We are a fully accessible school. Students who use wheelchairs are able to access every area of the school open to students. Please click here to see our accessibility report.

Local Offer

What is the Local Offer?

A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services the local authority think will be available in their local area. Every local authority is responsible for writing a Local Offer and making sure it is available for everyone to see.

The new law says that every local authority must consult with children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families to find out what kind of support and services they need.

There will be many different types of services that children and young people may need, including support services in school and specialist health services. Children, young people and their families may also have ideas about what leisure activities should be available and what services are needed to help young people to move towards independence in adulthood.

Every local authority must have a Local Offer that is available on the internet and must make sure that people without access to the internet can also see it. The local authority must also tell children and young people and their families how they can find out more about the Local Offer.

The local authority will then decide what services to make available. Every local authority must get feedback on its Local Offer from young people and their families. They must show what feedback they have been given and say how they are going to make improvements to the Local Offer and services.

A Local Offer should also include information about what transport services are available for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and if there is any help available to pay for these services.

You can find out more about the changes to your special educational needs and the Kirklees Local Offer by:

Talking to an impartial information, advice and support service.

Kirklees SEND information, Advice and Support Service 01484 225422

Talking to your family, teachers, tutors and support workers

You can find the Kirklees Local Offer at Kirklees Local Offer

Please find below links to:

SEND Policy and other related documents

If you require any additional information please contact a member of our SEND & Student Support Centre team via the contacts page here: Contact Us

Recommended sources of support for parents/carers and young people