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Personal Development & Careers

We recognise that the curriculum extends beyond the academic curriculum. We recognise that throughout students' learning journey at Shelley College it is important to provide our pupils with a broad range of opportunities to enable them to develop their individual talents, skills and personalities. We aim to develop students as well-rounded citizens with the confidence, skills, abilities and attributes to contribute positively to society. We strive to remove any barriers to participation to ensure an equity of offer for all pupils.


Personal Development Overview

Each week, pupils follow a sequenced plan to help develop their personal development.  Through our Cornerstones curriculum students explore themes relevant to their personal development. This is supported through our assembly programme and tutorial time each morning.

Personal Development Curriculum 2023/24

Valuing People, Supporting Personal Best’ is driven not only through our taught curriculum and wider school expectations, but also through a robust Personal Development (PD) curriculum.

The PD curriculum at Shelley College is underpinned by six strands, all which ensure our students have the opportunity to work towards our ‘SHC Scholars’ accreditation, whilst developing cultural capital. The aim of our PD curriculum is to engage our students in a range of activities and experiences giving them the skills and abilities required to lead happy and successful lives in modern Britain.

Our strands in delivering this curriculum are:

  • British Values
    • Ensuring ur behaviours and beliefs are in line with those of modern Britain and the diverse culture we are part of, with a focus on religion and ethnicity;
  • The Cornerstones curriculum (pre 16 PSHE and SMSC programme, developed in house)
    • Helping students remain safe both now and in the future, and have an understanding of wider challenges they may face as they move into adulthood;
  • RS and Citizenship Curriculum
    • Covering the SACRE guidance to ensure students are respectful of the composition of multi-cultural Britain;
  • Careers Programme
    • Giving students the impartial advice and guidance t make informed decisions about their future;
  • Tutor time plan
    • Embedding key contextual priorities through a bespoke timetable of activities, including assemblies, reading, pastoral focus and more;
  • The SHC Scholars Club
    • Offering a broad range of activities to develop the whole student, not just their academic ability.

We strongly believe that students who engage positively across this range of activities will develop the skills they need to positively contribute to society. Within each strand, there are a range of activities, programmes of study, as well as opportunities to engage with external agencies and companies.

Each focus area is led by a specific individual or team within school and overseen by our Personal Development coordinator.