Duke of Edinburgh Award
Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is the world’s leading youth achievement award, giving millions of 14 to 24-year-olds the opportunity to be the very best they can be. DofE is a real adventure from beginning to end. At Shelley College, we enrol students for the Bronze award in Year 10.
DofE is for everyone. Whoever you are, this is you and your friends sharing amazing experiences, having fun and just maybe changing your futures along the way. The DofE helps to turn the things you love, and the things you’ve always wanted to try, into powerful lifelong skills that can help you get a job, change your community and take on anything life throws your way. And yes, there’s going to be a bit of camping involved.
You achieve the Award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections. You'll find yourself helping people or the community, getting fitter, developing skills, going on an expedition. But here's the best bit - you get to choose what you do! Your programme can be full of activities and projects that get you buzzing. And along the way you'll pick up experiences, friends and talents that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
If you are struggling to think of what to do for your Volunteering, Physical or Skills sections, there are lots of excellent ideas on the DofE Award website. For each section, you need to do your chosen activity for a minimum of one hour each week in your own time. You must have an assessor for each section, who must not be a family member, who is knowledgeable in the chosen activity, and can write a short report once you have finished the section.
Our Duke of Edinburgh co-ordinator is Miss M Bailey. If you have any questions in regard to this scheme, please contact us at shelley.office@sharemat.co.uk