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Personal Development Morning is running P1-3 on the 20th March

March 20th is a Personal Development morning at Shelley College. This will see students off-timetable Period 1-3 to attend statutory sessions for PSHE, Citizenship and RS. During the morning, students in all lower school year groups will cover statutory learning about PREVENT and extremism, will have an opportunity to meet 3 faith leaders from the Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh faiths, and will take part in a project to promote the British Values of respect and tolerance across college. Additionally, some students have been invited to take part in a Young Enterprise competition where they will build their own business and compete in teams throughout the day.


Attendance during the morning will count towards overall attendance and it is therefore essential that all students are in school from 8.30. 


Further information about our Personal Development curriculum can be found here : Personal Development Morning