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British Values

Promoting British Values at Shelley College

At Shelley College, we are dedicated to promoting values which ensure our students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility, and which prepare the young people at the school for life in modern Britain. Values such as individual liberty, democracy, the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are embedded within the ethos of the College and are also promoted in a variety of ways throughout the school year.

Here are some examples of of the ways British Values are promoted at Shelley College:

  • In years 9-11 Cornerstone curriculum teaches British values in discrete units of work in half term 1 of year 9. These teachings then underpin the learning in the “Wider World”, “Relationships” and “Skills for Life” topics throughout the next 3 years. Tolerance and Mutual Respect are further reinforced through weekly Cornerstone Discussion mornings, where pupils are given a topic to discuss, led by their form tutor.
  • In sixth form, the Momentum programme regularly revisits British Values as we prepare our students for future adulthood. In addition to this the school promotes democracy and rule of law through its emphasis on student leadership and student voice. The principle of democracy is consistently reinforced with the democratic process being employed for important decisions within the school, for instance, elections being held for Student Leaders.
  • Outside of lessons, British Values are promoted throughout the year. The Holocaust memorial assembly and Remembrance assembly address the need for respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Similarly, the PRISM group for LGBTQ+ pupils and allies promote respect and tolerance throughout all year groups by leading assemblies, creating morning resources, and utilising LGBTQ+ reps as a resource for questions relating to identity and relationships. 

Subject areas also promote these values within their existing curriculum. Some examples of the ways these values are promoted include;

  • In year 9 English lesson students also look at spirituality in the Victorian period, using the literature text “A Christmas Carol” which also teaches them about different societies in Victorian England. In GCSE English lessons students study ‘An Inspector Calls’ that enables the nature of Christian responsibility to be explored and also addresses social values with the theme of power within society.
  • In Year 9 History students study Slavery and Civil Rights with a focus on how the lives of Black People have developed throughout time. At GCSE History students study the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and how Germany became a dictatorship and the horrific effects of this which helps enforce the importance of democracy.
  • In Year 9 Religious Studies, students study attitudes to prejudice and discrimination, promoting tolerance of different cultures and the benefits of mutual respect.
  • Within the Creative Arts students study a range of styles in Dance, Music and Art that originate in different countries and have roots in different faiths and beliefs.
  • In Food Technology students look at foods and diets linked to different religious groups and cultures.
  • Extra-curricular opportunities also offer plenty of opportunities for students to learn about the importance of British Values. Student leaders and many student voice panels teach students to uphold democracy and appreciate the rule of law, and the varied opportunities embedded in the school’s mission statement of ‘Valuing People, Supporting Personal Best.’
  • On balance, British Values are embedded across the school at Shelley College and are integral to our mission statement. 

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